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5 Reasons A Furnace Won't Work

Five reasons a furnace wont work

There's a chill in the air, and Jack Frost is nipping at your nose. While that might be romantic and fun for a stroll outside in Yorkville in December, it's not as fun inside your home. Is it time to seek help with some heating repairs?

Both before and after the holiday season, budgets are stretched thin with the many extras associated with the season. Holiday parties and gift-giving are fun, but they can also cause some stress. The addition of costly heating repair can put you over the edge.

Five Furance Fixes

From the comfort of your couch you ponder if you could off set the extra costs of the sesason by offering to store meat in your frigid home. Maybe after collecting some passive income from the local butcher you could afford to call a professional HVAC service to find out what's wrong with your heater. Or perhaps your problem boils down to one of the following common troubles that even the least handy and technically savvy person can handle.

  1. Your thermostat is set to "Cool". Don't feel embarrassed. Many a heater repair service call is solved by a technician within moments for this exact reason. Whether you bumped the thermostat when you passed by it carrying a laundry basket or one of the kids "accidentally" reset it, it is a simple (and free) fix.
  2. Blocked vents. Your holiday decorations required some furniture moving, and now a rug or the life-size Santa is blocking the vent that is working hard to put warm air in the room. It happens. Take a moment and walk through your home to look for any vents that are either covered or closed.
  3. No fuel (power). When was the last time you checked that the gas valve that powers your furnace was on? Is the circuit breaker flipped? If your furnace isn't getting the power or fuel it needs to heat your home, it's facing a losing battle. Older boilers or furnaces might have a pilot light that's extinguished. Safely re-light the pilot light and get ready to defrost your family.
  4. Dirty air filter. Did you forget to change the air filter this month? Last month? This season? Air filters are designed to be changed every month. Dirt, dust, and debris will cling to your air filter, so they don't flow through your furnace. If no air is able to come through the filter because there is an extreme amount of muck on the filter, your furnace won't put out any more heat.
  5. Clogged/blocked exhaust vents. Just like your air filter, your furnace needs a way to let air out of the house. Leaves and debris can close off exhaust vents - and so can ice! No matter what is blocking it, your furnace is counting on you to keep the exhaust vents free and clear, so it can heat your home properly.

Heater Repair For When You Can't DIY

If your heating problems are caused by none of the above, it's time to call for some help. CTC Heating and Cooling proudly serves Yorkville and the surrounding areas with excellent heating repair. Call 630-361-3681 to schedule an appointment today.

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